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Erica Digap / Feb 22

Proper Hydration To Fuel Your Run: Here’s How Much You Should Actually Be Drinking

Erica Digap / Feb 22

While you’re lacing up your trainers, slapping on your favorite upbeat playlist, and working through some dynamic stretches to get ready for a great long run, don’t forget to grab a water bottle on your way out too! 

Proper hydration is a must for just about everyone, but it’s especially important when you’re putting your body through a sweaty, grueling cardio workout like running and jogging. Here’s how you can keep yourself properly hydrated through all of your training runs with a little help from LARQ. 

Why your water intake is so crucial as a runner

Good hydration should be a priority for everyone, no matter what their physical activity levels. Drinking water keeps your body temperature stable, delivers important nutrients to all of your cells, cushions your tissues, and flushes out toxins and waste. In short: it’s necessary for keeping your entire body functioning! 

But if you like doing long and sweaty workouts like running, the importance of your fluid consumption becomes even more crucial. As you’re running, you lose water through sweat as your body works to maintain a steady temperature. Unfortunately, if you don’t replenish those valuable water stores and stay hydrated, you’re putting yourself more at risk for a variety of performance-inhibiting and even dangerous symptoms like: 

How to properly hydrate for a run

Hydration needs vary from person to person. According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), adult men should drink about 3.7L of water per day, while women should aim for 2.7 L (to put it into perspective, that means refilling your 25 oz LARQ Bottle Filtered about 4 or 5 times a day). However, this recommendation is a general rule that doesn’t take physical activity into account. If you’re a runner or otherwise athletically active, you’re going to need significantly more than that. 

Chugging your water down all at once during your run isn’t the best strategy, though. Your kidneys eventually reach a limit, which means that drinking a ton of water at once isn’t hydrating you the way you think it is. It can make you pee more, interrupting your stride. What’s more, drinking a ton of water after becoming dehydrated can even make electrolyte imbalances worse

Instead, you want to make sure you’re drinking enough water throughout the entire day while emphasizing your intake before, during, and after your run is through. So how much water should you drink before a run? As a general rule of thumb, The International Society of Sports Medicine recommends that athletes stay properly hydrated by drinking: 

Then, during exercise, you should also be drinking enough water to balance out any fluid losses. But how do you know how much water you lose? The amount of water lost during your run can vary hugely based on things like your weight, gender, and climate. You’re also probably losing way more water through your sweat than you think. 

So one of the easiest ways to figure out your individual water needs is to weigh yourself immediately before and after a run! Find the difference between both body weights, making sure to account for any water that you drank during your run. Then, use that number to determine how much water you lost during your run and make that your personal hydration goal during your run. 

Hydration strategy tips for runners

Bottom line

Knowing how to maintain good hydration while running is one of the most important skills you should have as a runner. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout your entire day so that you can stay hydrated, optimize your body’s fluid levels, and make every run a safe one. 

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